Welcome to 2021

By David Roberts, CEO

At this time of year we traditionally review the previous year and look forward to the next year. Certainly 2020 was quite a year. It has been devastating and our thoughts are with all those who have been adversely impacted. On the other hand we made amazing changes which have enabled new ways of working which will last beyond the pandemic. So what has been achieved?

CUPE International achievements in 2020

The CUPE International Team was busy working to keep our services available and support our customers. We switched to live trainer online delivery available for all our topics.

Due to the flexibility available online we have been able to change the structure of courses to meet the needs of clients whose staff have had home schooling or caring responsibilities. 

We have also redesigned courses to fit with operational requirements, such as spreading the training across a longer period. Online exams were introduced for APM PMQ examinations. Other exam institutions have made online exams available using the CUPE trainer to invigilate as well as independent remote invigilation.

Despite the challenges we introduced new products for the APM BoK 7 update, APM PPQ version 2 update and Risk Level 1 which are all approved. In addition we have piloted a new Business Resilience course for masters students at a leading university. Feedback was so good we are repeating this at the end of January and again in March.

CUPE Consultants have supported our clients using online platforms such as Teams and Go to Meeting or Skype depending on our client’s preferences.  CUPE International has ensured services continued to meet the same high standards we are known for. This has been by a combination of remote working, flexible working and online resourcing.

Looking Forward to 2021

In common with most organisations CUPE International is unable to predict how 2021 will turn out but we do know we will meet the challenges by assessing the VUCA level, listening to what our customers need and prioritising our efforts to ensure we deliver for our customers. We are developing our online resources further to enhance the current topics and content. Already we are adding to these resources.

We will build on our partnerships and welcome new partners to collaborate to enable them to satisfy their customers and to enhance their range of services. Each part of a partnership brings a unique contribution which enriches the results.

Whatever 2021 brings CUPE International will bring a purposeful mindset, capability and skills, using appropriate tools with energy to work together with our customers and partners so that we produce more than we could individually. We will continue to be the one stop shop for Project, Programme and Portfolio support. How can we help you?